Short podcast series on music production coming soon
I'm into the first week of my second Coursera course, Introduction to Music Production. It's a six-week class. This class has an intersting weekly assignment: we are to create each week a tutorial of up to 5 minutes or 1000 words. The tutorial is selected from a list of avilable topics covered by the instructor in the week's lectures. The tutorial will be viewed by and graded by five of my fellow students.
Our tutorial can be made of virtually any Internet-publishable media type. Of course, I am going to do a six-episode podcast series. I'll publish it right here as entries on this blog.
The assignment was originally to be a video–either a lecture or a screencast. I and many other students were concerned because if you aren't already good at video production, video can be very time consuming. I was not looking forward to spending up to ten hours each week. I'm so glad the teacher has expanded it to be any media. I'm actually looking forward to creating this week's episode. I'll start work on it tonight. It's due by end of the day Sunday.
My topic for this week will be the signal path through my digital audio workstation. I'll describe the path sound takes from Hobbes' and my mics into my Mac each Monday night.
I hope you'll join me in this adventure.
If you're interested in the courses I'm taking, feel free to check out my Coursera profile.