Positive results on the first week's assignment
Friday, March 15, 2013 at 04:17PM

I got the results of my first assignment today. I got encouraging positive feedback, and helpful constructive criticism.

To my fellow students who gave me the excellent feedback: thank you!

I will endeavor to do even better on the next assignment, which will be posted Sunday. My chosen topic is the analog to digital conversion process.

I evaluated four assignments this week. One was a rather bizarre music video, one was a 500 MB video from a slow web server (but an interesting tutorial nonetheless), one was written in Spanish (Google Translate helped greatly), and one was written in both Spanish and English (the translation was excellent). All were very well done. It was a really fun experience evaluating all of them.

I look forward now to the next round!

Article originally appeared on Wesley Perdue's Journal of Geekery (https://wesperdue.com/).
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